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We have a full time staff at our office that is dedicated to customer service and will always be there to answer a call when an issue may arise with your pool. 


Pool Maintenance with Customer Care 

Once we have built a pool our job has only begun. We honor a 10 year warranty on structural repairs, pool liners, and covers. In addition all pool finishes and water features are under a 3 year warranty. After warranties expire a majority of clients continue to have us maintain their pool.  Our customer loyalty can be attributed to the friendly, professional staff in our front office that coordinates our technicians and are always available to respond to any issues with your pool. Clients enjoy choosing which day of the week they want our technicians to service their pool. When scheduling we have a 3 tiered billing system; Mondays and Tuesday are discounted, Wednesday - Friday is a standard rate, and Saturdays are billed at a premium.

Let Us Take Care of Your Pool

When a new client signs a pool maintenance contract we begin with an evaluation process of the pool. We start with an inspection of the pool and property. We check the environment around the pool and entrances to the property to make sure there will be no problems with accessing the pool with our vehicles. Several aquatic diagnostic tests are done to ensure there are no issues with the pool or filtration system that would require repair. Once the pool passes inspection we begin weekly maintenance. Each pool is assigned a designated pool technician so they can accurately monitor the chemical balance of your pool and become practical of any issues that are unique to your pool. If you have kids or dogs they will become familiar with your pool technician and will be comfortable with their weekly visits.


Weekly Pool Maintenance Service

Our weekly pool maintenance service includes a thorough cleaning process. We begin by removing all floats and toys from the pool. Chemistry tests are performed for chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid. Our skilled pool technicians will add chemicals according to what your pool needs because no pool is the same and we don’t have a one-stop formula. We go the extra mile in accurately testing the water because the long term longevity of your pool depends on well balanced pool water.

Our pool maintenance also includes vacuuming, back washing of filters, scrubbing of scum lines, netting the pool and clearing skimmer baskets. We also take care of the water levels and add water while onsite in order for the pool system to operate at maximum efficiency.

Pool Openings

Clients can request the date to have their pool opened. We start with removal and cleaning of the pool cover. A thorough cleansing will remove all the debris gathered from the winter. We let the cover dry for 48 hours and our technicians will place the cover into storage.

Next we will prime the pool pump and check for leaks or air in the pool lines. Once we determine that the pump is working properly and the lines are sealed we will treat the water with the appropriate chemicals and return within a day.  We bring a portable vacuuming system to remove all winter debris and algae from the pool which reduces stress on your filter or pool lines.  

​Accessories such as ladders, handrails, and diving boards are reinstalled. The pool heater is tested to make sure it is in proper working order.  We offer furniture set up / storage and you can schedule any day you wish to have your patio furniture brought out from storage.

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Winter Service

After the pool is closed it still needs to be cared for. Starting around December we lower the water level to ensure the tile doesn’t crack on any gunite pools we maintain. We clean the pool and add the appropriate chemicals to keep the pool water clear and balanced through the winter. We then clean and remove all debris from the cover and inspect for any damage that may have occured while in storage.

A second crew performs the winter maintenance on the filtration system. If you have a diatomaceous earth or cartridge system we perform an acid cleaning. This involves bringing the filter to our facility, immersing it in an acid bath overnight, spray-washing it and returning it to be reinstalled. This is like a tune up for your filter.

Our winter maintenance service allows us to diagnose any issues with your filter and pool so it will be working properly when it's time to open the pool back up. We diagnose problems and resolve them before you ever have to deal with them.

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© 2021 Jason's Pools 

324 Doctor's Path

Riverhead, NY 11901

(631) 324-7844


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